As you may already know, we’re planning to build a fitness center in Magarigawa’s club house. In preparation for that, we recently went to check out the latest fitness and exercise equipment.
We realize that driving on the circuit can be hard on the body. And in the summer especially, the heat can be physically exhausting and lessen one’s ability to concentrate and stay focused. Moreover, we know that MAGARIGAWA’s road course, because it includes blind turns and steep, sloping curves, is highly challenging.
For these reasons, we’d like to make sure that our members are able stay in peak physical condition by providing you with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, technology that you can use to exercise more efficiently and thereby enjoy a more pleasurable driving experience on our course.
Some of the stylish and sophisticated fitness equipment
With this innovative, multi-purpose training machine, you can improve your physical strength, coordination, flexibility, and endurance. Using the handles located in three different positions, you can carry out over 200 exercises.
We tried out the equipment ourselves to ensure that our members will be satisfied with the equipment we choose.
Talking with the staff of the facility, we also discovered that they have developed training programs specifically for driving for Ferrari, McLaren, and other F1 racing teams.
In Magarigawa’s fitness center, you might be able to carry out the same program as a current F1 racing driver something you can’t do anywhere else. Look out for future news about the progress of our fitness center.